Professor Andrew Grace
Chief Academic Officer
Andrew Grace is Professor of Experimental Cardiology at the University of Cambridge.
Andrew is a clinician scientist with particular interests in ‘disruptive’ technologies designed to improve patient care. His work has significantly impacted clinical practice with a recent focus on providing source models for cardiac activation.
At Regent's Park Healthcare, Professor Grace Chairs our Translational Healthcare Committee and Industry Liaison Office. He supports our company to assess new inventions and intellectual property, helps identify commercial collaborations and secure funding.
Professor Grace has had a consistently high-volume interventional practice focused on the cardiac rhythm having trained in cardiology in both London and Cambridge. He completed post-doctoral studies as a Fulbright Scholar/British Heart Foundation Fellow in the Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego returning to Cambridge as British Heart Foundation Senior Research Fellow.
Professor Grace is a recognized innovator having a particular interest in ‘disruptive’ technologies designed to improve patient care that have included devices, diagnostics and drugs. Some of his work has already changed practice and he made some of the ‘most important contributions’ to the development and implementation of subcutaneous defibrillators. His clinical research focus is currently on both high-resolution charge density mapping of cardiac activation and risk prediction of ventricular fibrillation.
Professor Grace has spent over 20 years addressing the impact of genetic variation on the cardiac rhythm most recently establishing a network of colleagues based respectively in Cambridge, Sydney, Seattle, and San Diego to provide a physically robust model of the ECG extending from charge movements through structurally resolved sodium channels to surface recordings. Working with the Condensed Matter Group (Cavendish Laboratory) this work offers an opportunity for ‘a new chapter in biomedical engineering history’ facilitating the resolution of relationships between genetic makeup and cardiac electrical function.
Professor Grace has published extensively and given many invited lectures that include hotline presentations of clinical trial data and highlighted late-breaking basic science. He is an Editor/Editorial Board member of several journals and a member of numerous Boards including the BHF Translational Awards Committee (until recently), the UK Government Commission on Human Medicines, European Medicines Agency, European Society of Cardiology SVT Guidelines Committee, Boston Scientific Inc. Advisory Board and is International Ambassador for the American Heart Association Leadership Committee on Genomics and Precision Medicine. Negotiated several major industrial research collaborations involving complex IP issues, including major programme with a Chinese telecoms company
2020 - present Professor of Experimental Cardiology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Cambridge
1997 - 2002Â British Heart Foundation Senior Research Fellow, Departments of Biochemistry and Medicine, University of Cambridge
1996 - present Research Group Head, Department of Biochemistry
1996 - 2021 Consultant Cardiologist, Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge
1994 - 1996Â British Heart Foundation Clinical Scientist Research Fellow, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego
1992 - 1994 British Heart Foundation Clinical Scientist Research Fellow, Department of Cardiological Sciences, St George’s, London
1990 - 1997 British Heart Foundation Clinical Scientist Research Fellow, Departments of Biochemistry and Medicine, University of Cambridge
1989 - 1992 Ph.D., Biochemistry, University of Cambridge and St. John’s College
1988 - 989Â Cardiology Registrar, Papworth Hospital
1986 -1988Â Medical Registrar, University College Hospital, London
1983 - 1986 House Officer: St Thomas’, Royal Free, Papworth, Brompton Hospitals
1978 - 1983Â M.B. B.S. (Hons.), St. Thomas' Hospital Medical School
1982 Hadden Prize (Microbiology)
1982 Distinction in Pathology, M.B. B.S. Finals
1983 Grainger Prize (Dermatology)
1983 Proxime accessit Perkins Prize/Mead Medal (Medicine)
1986 Member, Royal College of Physicians, London
1990 - 1997 British Heart Foundation Clinical Scientist Fellowship
1994 - 1996 Fulbright Scholarship
1997- 2002 British Heart Foundation Senior Research Fellowship
1999 - Fellow, Royal College of Physicians
1999 - Fellow, American College of Cardiology
1999 - Fellow, European Society of Cardiology
2001 - Founding Fellow, American Heart Association
2003 - 2010 Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
2007 - 2021 Member, Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland
2011 - Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
2015 - Fellow, Heart Rhythm Society
2020 - Honorary Professorship, University of Cambridge
2021 - Fellow, Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland
In 1996 I established the specialist arrhythmia service for the East of England that with the assistance of a closely integrated team, and latterly seven colleagues, we grew into the highest volume UK centre. Over 33 years (from 1988), in most years, I completed 320-480 procedures annually (mainly ablation and device implantation) with excellent outcomes providing the required secure platform for translational research. In addition to my work for the NHS I was appointed Civilian Consultant Cardiologist/Electrophysiologist to the Royal Air Force.
1. Grace AA, Kirschenlohr HL, Smith GA, Metcalfe JC, Cragoe EJ, Weissberg PL, Vandenberg JI. (1993): Regulation of intracellular pH in the perfused heart by external HCO3- and Na+-H+ exchange. American Journal of Physiology (Heart and Circulatory Physiology). 265:H289-298.
2. Vandenberg JI, Metcalfe JC, Grace AA. (1993): Mechanisms of proton efflux following total global ischemia in the perfused heart. Circulation Research. 72:993-1003 (placed second American Heart Association Melvyn Marcus Awards 1992).
3. Papadatos GA, Wallerstein PM, Head CE, Ratcliff RR, Brady PA, Benndorf K, Saumarez RC, Trezise AE, Huang CL, Vandenberg JI, Colledge WH, Grace AA. (2002): Slowed conduction and ventricular tachycardia following targeted disruption of the cardiac sodium channel, Scn5a. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 99:6210-5 (Highlighted Basic Science, Orlando AHA, 2001; PNAS – on the cover and Editorial).
4. Matthews GD, Guzadhur L, Sabir IN, Grace AA, Huang CL (2013). Action potential wavelength restitution predicts alternans and arrhythmia in murine Scn5a+/- hearts. Journal of Physiology 591:4167- 88.
5. Dorn T, Haas J, Parrotta EI, Zawada D, Ayetey H, Santamaria G, Lop L, Mastantuono E, Sinnecker D, Goedel A, Dirschinger RJ, My I, Laue S, Bozoglu T, Baarlink C, Ziegler T, Graf E, Hinkel R, Cuda G, Kaab S, Grace AA, Grosse R, Kupatt C, Meitinger T, Smith AG, Laugwitz K-L, Moretti A. (2018) Interplay of cell-cell contacts and RhoA/MRTF-A signaling regulates cardiomyocytic identity. EMBO Journal. Jun 15;37(12). pii: e98133. doi: 10.15252/embj.201798133.
6. Saumarez RC, Chojnowska L, Derksen R, Pytkowski M, Sterlinski M, Sadoul N, Hauer RWN, Ruzyllo W, Grace AA (2003): Sudden death in non-coronary disease is associated with delayed paced ventricular activation. Circulation. 107:2595-2600.
7. Saumarez RC, Pytkowski M, Chojnowska L, Sterlinski M, Sadoul N, Clague J, Connelly D, McLeod K, Morgan J, Cobbe SA, Griffith MJ, Bourke J, Huang C. L-H, Grace AA. (2008): Paced ventricular electrogram fractionation predicts sudden death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. European Heart Journal. 29:1653-1661.
8. Grace A, Willems S, Meyer C, Verma A, Heck P, Dang L, Scharf G, Scharf C, Beatty G (2019). High Resolution Non-Contact Charge Density Source Mapping of Endocardial Activation. JCI Insight 4 (6): e126422.
9. Willems S, Verma A, Betts T, Murray S, Neuzil P, Ince H, Stevens D, Sultan A, Heck P, Hall M, Tondo C, Pison L, Wong T, Boersma L, Wong T, Meyer C, Grace A. (2019). Targeting Non-Pulmonary Vein Sources in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Identified by Non-Contact Charge Density Mapping: The UNCOVER AF trial. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. Jul;12(7):e007233. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.119.007233. Epub 2019 Jun 27.
10. Bardy GH, Smith WM, Hood MA, Crozier IG, Melton IC, Jordaens L, Theuns D, Park RE, Wright DJ, Connelly DT, Fynn SP, Murgatroyd FD, Sperzel J, Neuzner J, Spitzer SG, Ardashev AV, Oduro A, Boersma L, Maas AH, Van Gelder IC, Wilde AA, van Dessel PF, Knops RE, Lupo P, Cappato R, Grace AA. (2010): The Subcutaneous only Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator. New England Journal of Medicine. 363:36-44.
1. Grace AA, Camm AJ. (1998): Quinidine. New England Journal of Medicine. 338:35-45
2. Grace AA, Roden DM. (2012): Systems Biology and Cardiac Arrhythmias. Lancet 380:1498-508
3. Grace AA. (2015): Prophylactic Implantable Defibrillators for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Disarray in the Era of Precision Medicine. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 8:763-6.
4. Grace AA, Matthews GDK (2018): Phenotypic landscape and risk management in Long QT Syndrome. Nudging forward. J Am Coll Cardiol. 71:1672-5
5. Grace AA (2019): Sudden Death in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is Rare. Circulation. 2019;140:1717-1719. Â
Original Articles (Citations, 10395; h-index, 54; Orcid:
1. Grace AA, Barradas MA, Mikhailidis DP, Jeremy JY, Moorhead JF, Sweny P, Dandona P. (1987): Cyclosporine A enhances platelet aggregation. Kidney International. 32:889-95
2. Menon RK, Gaylarde P, Hyden A, Grace AA, Dandona P. (1987): Insulin absorption accelerated by alpha-adrenergic blockade at injection site. Diabetes Care. 10:470-472
3. Grace AA, D'Souza V, Menon RK, Dandona P, O'Brien S. (1987): Atrial Natriuretic Peptide during normal pregnancy. Lancet. (8557):1267
4. Grace AA, Jenkins RE, King MJ. (1987): Peripartum Cardiomyopathy. Lancet. (8558):575-576
5. Grace AA, Morgan AD, Strickland NH. (1989): Hydrochlorothiazide causing recurrent unexplained pulmonary oedema. British Journal of Clinical Practice. 43:79-81
6. Cary NRB, Fox B, Wright DJM, Cutler SJ, Shapiro LM, Grace AA. (1990): Lyme carditis and endodermal heterotopia of the atrioventricular node. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 66:134-136
7. Mullins PM, Grace AA, Wells FC, Schofield PM. (1990): Thoracic duct transection. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 13:948-949
8. Mullins PM, Grace AA, Stewart SC, Shapiro LM. (1991): Rheumatoid heart disease presenting as acute mitral regurgitation. American Heart Journal 122:242-245
9. Grace AA, Sutters M, Schofield PM. (1991): Balloon dilatation of pacemaker-induced superior vena cava stenosis. British Heart Journal 65:225-226
10.  Grace AA, Newell SA, Cary NRB, Scott JP, Large SR, Wallwork J, Schofield PM. (1991): Diagnosis of early cardiac transplant rejection by fall in evoked T wave amplitude measured using an externalized QT-driven rate-responsive pacemaker. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 14:1024-1031
11.  Bethell HWL, Grace AA, Hall JA, Petch MC, Schofield PM. (1992): Bradycardia due to anthracyclines. Lancet. 340:858
12.  Menon RK, Grace AA, Burgoyne W, Fonseca VA, James IM, Dandona P. (1992): Muscle blood flow in diabetics; evidence of abnormality after exercise. Diabetes Care. 15:693-5
13.  Grace AA, Kirschenlohr HL, Smith GA, Metcalfe JC, Cragoe EJ, Weissberg PL, Vandenberg JI. (1993): Regulation of intracellular pH in the perfused heart by external HCO3- and Na+-H+ exchange. American Journal of Physiology (Heart and Circulatory Physiology). 265:H289-298
14.  Kirschenlohr HL, Grace AA, Clarke SD, Schachar-Hill Y, Metcalfe JC, Morris PG, Smith GA. (1993): Calcium measurements with a new high-affinity NMR indicator in the isolated perfused heart. Biochemical Journal. 293:407-11
15.  Vandenberg JI, Metcalfe JC, Grace AA. (1993): Mechanisms of proton efflux following total global ischemia in the perfused heart. Circulation Research. 72:993-1003 (placed second American Heart Association Melvyn Marcus Awards 1992)
16.  Hall JA, Grace AA, Newell SA, Schofield PM, Shapiro LM, Stone DL, Petch MC. (1993): Prospective evaluation of the early complications following permanent pacemaker implantation. European Journal of Pacing and Electrophysiology. 3:14-20
17.  Chauhan A, Grace AA, Newell SA, Stone DL, Shapiro LM, Schofield PM, Petch MC. (1994): Early complications after dual chamber versus single chamber pacemaker implantation. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 17:2012-15
18.  Vandenberg JI, Metcalfe JC, Grace AA. (1994): Intracellular pH recovery during respiratory acidosis in the perfused heart. American Journal of Physiology (Cell Physiology). 266:C489-497
19.  Tsui SS, Grace AA, Ludman PF, Schofield PM, Page AJF, Rowland E, Large SR. (1994): MAZE 3 (for atrial fibrillation). Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 17:2163-66
20.  Fei L, Slade AKB, Grace AA, Malik M, Camm AJ, McKenna WJ. (1994): Ambulatory assessment of the QT interval in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 17:2222-27
21.  Grainger DJ, Kemp P, Metcalfe JC, Liu A, Lawn RM, Grace AA, Schofield PM, Chauhan A. (1995): Active transforming growth factor beta in serum is severely depressed in advanced atherosclerosis. Nature Medicine 1:74-79
22.  Saumarez RC, Slade AKB, Grace AA, Sadoul N, Camm AJ, McKenna WJ. (1995): The significance of paced electrogram fractionation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Circulation. 91:2762-68
23.  Grace AA, Metcalfe JC, Weissberg PL, Bethell HWL, Vandenberg JI. (1996): Angiotensin II stimulates sodium-dependent proton extrusion in perfused heart. American Journal of Physiology (Cell Physiology). 270:C1687-94
24.  Vandenberg JI, Metcalfe JC, Nogradi A, Carter ND, Bethell HWL, Grace AA. (1996): Sarcolemmal carbonic anhydrase and the regulation of intracellular pH. American Journal of Physiology (Cell Physiology). 271:C1838-C1846
25.  Lowe MD, Rowland E, Grace AA. (1997): QT dispersion and triple vessel coronary disease. Lancet 349:1175-6
26.  Lowe MD, Harcombe AA, Grace AA, Petch MC. (1997): A breathless woman with hepatosplenomegaly for 12 years. Lancet. 350:1000 27.  Hildick-Smith DJR, Lowe MD, Newell SA, Schofield PM, Shapiro LM, Stone DL, Grace AA, Petch MC. (1998): Ventricular pacemaker upgrade: experience, complications and recommendations. Heart. 79:383-7
28.  Lowe MD, Stone DL, Grace AA. (1998): Sotalol-associated polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and coronary spasm. Heart. 79:518-20
29.  Sopher SM, Grace AA, Heald SC, Rowland E. (1998): Entrapment of an ablation catheter in the cardiac venous system. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 21:860-2
30.  Bethell HWL, Vandenberg JI, Smith GA, Grace AA. (1998): Potassium efflux and ventricular repolarization during low-flow myocardial ischemia. American Journal of Physiology (Heart and Circulatory Physiology). 275: H551-561.
31.  Lowe MD, Grace AA, Vandenberg JI, Kaumann AJ. (1998): Action potential shortening through the putative ß4-adrenoceptor in ferret ventricle: comparisons with ß1- and ß2-adrenoceptor mediated effects. British Journal of Pharmacology. 124:1341-4
32.  Large SR, Grace AA. (1998): Radial and modified ‘Papworth’ Maze procedures for atrial fibrillation. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 66:2155-7
33.  Grainger DJ, Metcalfe JC, Grace AA, Mosedale DE. (1998): Transforming growth factor ß dynamically regulates vascular smooth muscle differentiation in vivo. Journal of Cell Science. 111:2977-88
34.  Lowe MD, Harcombe AA, Grace AA, Petch MC (1999): Lesson of the week: Constrictive pericarditis and restrictive cardiomyopathy masquerading as liver disease. British Medical Journal 318:585-586
35.  Lowe MD, Grace AA, Kaumann AJ. (1999): Blockade of putative ß4- and ß1-adrenoceptors by carvedilol in ferret myocardium. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology. 359:400- 403
36.  Bainbridge AD, Cave M, Newell S, Delaney M, Parameshwar J, Large SR, Wallwork J, Grace AA, Carey NRB, Schofield PM. (1999): The utility of pacemaker evoked T wave amplitude for the noninvasive diagnosis of cardiac allograft rejection. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 22:942-6
37.  Hildick-Smith DJR, Grace AA, Petch MC. (2000): Permanent pacemaker upgrade. Europace. 2:186-7 38.  Kirschenlohr HL, Grace AA, Vandenberg JI, Metcalfe JC, Smith GA. (2000): Estimation of systolic and diastolic free intracellular calcium by titration of calcium buffering with 19F NMR calcium indicators. Biochemical Journal. 346:385-391
39.  Smith GA, Kirschenlohr HL, Grace AA, Metcalfe JC, Vandenberg JI. (2000): Calcium buffering in the heart: a model of cytosolic calcium handling in the intact heart. Biochemical Journal. 346:393-402
40.  Clarke SC, Schofield PM, Grace AA, Metcalfe JC, Kirschenlohr HL. (2001): Tamoxifen has estrogen-like activity on endothelial function and cardiovascular risk factors in men with advanced atherosclerosis. Circulation. 103:1497-1502
41.  Clark KJ, Cary NRB, Grace AA, Metcalfe JC. (2001): Microsatellite mutation of the type II TGF-ß1 receptor is rare in atherosclerotic plaques. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 21:555-559 42.  Lowe MD, Brown MJ, Rowland E, Grace AA. (2001) ß2-adrenergic receptors mediate important electrophysiological effects in human ventricular myocardium. Heart 86:45-51. Awarded first prize in Young Investigator Competition of North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology
43.  Al-Shafei AI, Wise RG, Grace AA, Carpenter TA, Hall LD, Huang CL. (2001): Magnetic resonance imaging analysis of right ventricular function in normal and spontaneously hypertensive rats. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 19:1297-304
44.  Lowe MD, Lynham JA, Grace AA, Kaumann AJ. (2002): Comparison of the affinity of beta- blockers for two states of the beta 1-adrenoceptor in ferret ventricular myocardium. British Journal of Pharmacology. 135:451-461
45.  Papadatos GA, Wallerstein PM, Head CE, Ratcliff RR, Brady PA, Benndorf K, Saumarez RC, Trezise AE, Huang CL, Vandenberg JI, Colledge WH, Grace AA. (2002): Slowed conduction and ventricular tachycardia following targeted disruption of the cardiac sodium channel, Scn5a. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 99:6210-5 (Highlighted Basic Science, Orlando AHA, 2001; PNAS – on the cover and Editorial)
46.  Clarke SC, Schofield PM, Grace AA, Metcalfe JC, Kirschenlohr H (2002): Effects of tamoxifen on endothelial function and cardiovascular risk factors in men with advanced atherosclerosis. Circulation 104:146e-147e
47.  Saumarez RC, Chojnowska L, Derksen R, Pytkowski M, Sterlinski M, Sadoul N, Hauer RWN, Ruzyllo W, Grace AA (2003): Sudden death in non-coronary disease is associated with delayed paced ventricular activation. Circulation. 107:2595-2600
48.  Balasubramaniam R, Grace AA, Saumarez RC, Vandenberg JI, Huang CL (2003): Electrogram prolongation and nifedipine-suppressible ventricular arrhythmias following targeted disruption of KCNE1. Journal of Physiology. 552:535-546
49.  Lowe MD, Meara M, Mason J, Grace AA, and Murgatroyd F (2003): Catheter cryoablation of supraventricular arrhythmias: an alternative to radiofrequency energy. Pacing & Clinical Electrophysiology. 26:500-3
50.  Hildick Smith DJR, Satchithananda DK, Newell SA, Grace AA, Murgatroyd FD, Petch MC. (2003): Permanent pacemakers: should straightened atrial leads be repositioned? Pacing and clinical electrophysiology. 26:2142-5
51.  Joseph S.S, Lynham, JA, Molenaar, P, Grace, AA, Colledge, WH, and Kaumann, AJ. (2003): Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity of (-)-pindolol mediated through a (-)-propranolol-resistant site of the ß1adrenoceptor in human atrium and recombinant receptors. Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology. 368:496-503
52.  Millar ID, Hartley JA, Haigh C, Grace AA, White SJ, Kibble JD, Robson L. (2004): Volume regulation is defective in renal proximal tubule cells isolated from KCNE1 knockout mice. Experimental Physiology. 89:173-180
53.  Joseph SS, Lynham JA, Molenaar P, Grace AA, Colledge WH, Kaumann AJ. (2004): Markedly reduced effects of (-)-isoprenaline but not of (-)-CGP12177 and unchanged affinity of ß-blockers at Gly389-1-adrenoceptors compared to Arg389-1-adrenoceptors. British Journal of Pharmacology. 142:51-6
54.  Balasubramaniam R, Chawlla S, Mackenzie L, Schwiening CJ, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2004): Nifedipine and diltiazem suppress ventricular arrhythmogenesis and calcium release in mouse hearts. European Journal of Physiology. 449: 150-158
55.  Jones GLA, Sang E, Goddard C, Mortishire-Smith R, Sweatman BC, Haselden J, Davies K, Grace AA, Clarke K, Griffin J. (2005): Functional analysis of mouse models of cardiac disease through metabolic profiling. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280:7530-39
56.  Royer A, van, van Veen TAB, Le Bouter S, Marionneau C, Griol-Charhbili V, Leoni A-L, Steenman M, Rijen HVM, Demolombe S, Goddard C, Richer C, Escoubet B, Jarry-Guichard T, Colledge WH, Gros D, de Bakker JMT, Grace AA, Escande D, Charpentier F. (2005): A mouse model of SCN5A-linked hereditary Lenègre's disease. Age-related conduction slowing and myocardial fibrosis. Circulation. 111:1738-46
57.  Balasubramaniam R, Chawla S, Mackenzie L, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2005): Caffeine-induced arrhythmias in murine hearts parallel changes in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis. American Journal of Physiology. 289:H1584-H1593
58.  Parkes J, Chase DL, Grace AA, Cunningham D, Roderick PJ. (2005): Inequity of use of implantable defibrillators in England: A retrospective analysis. British Medical Journal. 330:454- 5
59.  Lei M, Goddard C, Liu J, Léoni A-L, Royer A, Fung S, Ma A, Zhang H, Charpentier F, Vandenberg J, Colledge WH, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2005): Sinus node dysfunction following targeted disruption of the murine cardiac sodium channel gene, Scn5a. Journal of Physiology. 567:387-400
60.  Head CE, Balasubramaniam R, Thomas G, Goddard CA, Lei M, Colledge WH, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2005): Paced electrogram fractionation analysis of arrhythmogenic tendency in ∆KPQ Scn5a (Long QT3) mice. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. 16:1329-1340
61.  van Veen TAB, Stein M, Royer A, Le Quang K, Charpentier F, Colledge WH, Huang CL, Grace AA, Escande D, de Bakker JMT, van Rijen HMV. (2005): Impaired impulse propagation in Scn5a knockout mice: Synergistic contribution of excitability, connexin expression and tissue architecture in relation to aging. Circulation. 112:1927-35
62.  Kirschenlohr HL, Griffin JL, Clarke SC, Rhydwen R, Grace AA, Schofield PM, Brindle KM, Metcalfe JC. (2006): Proton NMR analysis of plasma is a weak predictor of coronary artery disease. Nature Medicine. 12:705-710
63.  Wright B, Grace AA, Goodman H. (2006): Implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator in a patient with cardiac amyloidosis. Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine 3:110-114.
64.  Buxton M, Caine N, Chase D, Connelly DT, Grace AA, Jackson C, Parkes J, Sharples LD. (2006): A review of the evidence on the effects and costs of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) therapy in different patient groups, and modelling of cost-effectiveness and cost-utility for these groups in a UK context. Health Technology Assessment. 10 (27): pp 177
65.  Killeen MJ, Thomas G, Gurung IS, Goddard CA, Fraser JA, Mahaut-Smith MP, Colledge WH, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2007): Arrhythmogenic mechanisms in the isolated perfused hypokalaemic murine heart. Acta Physiologica 189:33-46
66.  Stokoe KS, Balasubramaniam R, Goddard CA, Colledge WH, Grace AA, Huang C L. (2007): Effects of flecainide and quinidine on arrhythmogenic properties of Scn5a+/-/delta murine hearts modelling long QT syndrome. Journal of Physiology 578:69-84
67.  Thomas G, Gurung I, Killeen M, Goddard CA, Colledge W, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2007): Effects of L-type calcium channel antagonism on ventricular arrhythmogenesis in murine hearts containing a modification in the Scn5a gene modeling human long QT syndrome 3. Journal of Physiology. 578:85-97. Awarded first prize in Young Investigator Competition of Heart Rhythm United Kingdom
68.  Saumarez RC, Pytkowski M, Sterlinski M, Hauer RN, Derksen R, Lowe MD, Szwed H, Huang CL, Ward DE, Camm AJ, Grace AA. (2006): Delayed paced ventricular activation in the long QT syndrome is associated with Ventricular Fibrillation. Heart Rhythm 3:771-778
69.  Thomas G, Killeen MJ, Goddard CA, Colledge W, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2007): Mechanisms of ventricular arrhythmogenesis in mice following targeted disruption of KCNE1 modeling long QT syndrome 5. Journal of Physiology. 578:99-114
70.  Sabir IN, Fraser J, Killeen MJ, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2007): The contribution of refractoriness to arrhythmic substrate in hypokalaemic Langendorff-perfused murine hearts. European Journal of Physiology. 454:209-22
71.  Stokoe KS, Thomas G, Goddard CA, Colledge WH, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2007): Effects of flecainide and quinidine on arrhythmogenic properties of Scn5a+/- mice modeling Brugada syndrome Journal of Physiology. 581:255-275
72.  Sabir IN, Killeen MJ, Goddard CA, Thomas G, Gray S, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2007): Transient alterations in transmural repolarization gradients following premature ventricular depolarizations in arrhythmogenic hypokalaemic Langendorff-perfused murine hearts. Journal of Physiology. 581:277-289 73.  Zhang Y, Zhou N, Jiang W, Peng J, Wan H, Huang C, Xie Z, Huang CL, Grace AA, Ma A. (2007): A missense mutation (G604S) in the S5/pore region of HERG causes long QT syndrome in a Chinese family with a high incidence of sudden unexpected death. European Journal of Pediatrics. 166:927-33
74.  Sabir IN, Fraser JA, Cass TR, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2007): A quantitative analysis of the effect of cycle length on arrhythmogenicity in hypokalaemic Langendorff-perfused murine hearts. European Journal of Physiology. 454:925-36
75.  Killeen MJ, Gurung IS, Thomas G, Stokoe KS, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2007): Separation of early afterdepolarizations from arrhythmogenic substrate in the isolated perfused hypokalaemic murine heart through modifiers of calcium homeostasis. Acta Physiologica. 191:43-58
76.  Saumarez RC, Pytkowski M, Chojnowska L, Sterlinski M, Sadoul N, Clague J, Connelly D, McLeod K, Morgan J, Cobbe SA, Griffith MJ, Bourke J, Huang CL, Grace AA. (2008): Paced ventricular electrogram fractionation predicts sudden death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. European Heart Journal. 29:1653-1661
77.  Sabir IN, Li M, Jones VJ, Goddard CA, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2008): Criteria for arrhythmogenicity in genetically modified Langendorff-perfused murine hearts modeling the congenital long QT syndrome 3 and the Brugada syndrome. European Journal of Physiology. 455:637-651
78.  Sabir I, Li L, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2008): Restitution analysis of alternans and its relationship to arrhythmogenicity in hypokalemic Langendorff-perfused murine hearts. European Journal of Physiology. 455:653-66
79.  Killeen MJ, Thomas G, Olesen SP, Demnitz J, Stokoe KS, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2008): Effects of potassium channel openers in the isolated perfused hypokalaemic murine heart. Acta Physiologica. 192:25-36
80.  Huo J, Zhang Y, Huang N, Liu, P, Huang C, Guo X, Jiang W, Zhou N, Grace AA, Huang CL, Ma A. (2008): The G604S-hERG mutation alters the biophysical properties and exerts a dominant-negative effect on expression of hERG channels in HEK293 cells. European Journal of Physiology 456:917-928
81.  Thomas G, Killeen MJ, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2008): Pharmacological separation of early afterdepolarizations from arrhythmogenic substrate in ΔKPQ Scn5a murine hearts modelling human long QT 3 syndrome. Acta Physiologica. 192:505-517
82.  Goddard CA, Ghais NS, Zhang Y, Williams AJ, Colledge WH, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2008): Physiological consequences of the P2328S mutation in the ryanodine receptor (RyR2) gene in genetically modified murine hearts. Acta Physiologica. 194:123-40.
83.  Hothi SS, Gurung IS, Heathcote JC, Zhang Y, Booth SW, Skepper JN, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2008): Epac activation, altered calcium homeostasis and ventricular arrhythmogenesis in the murine heart. Pflugers Archiv. 457:253-70
84.  Zhang Y, Wang T, Ma A, Zhou X, Gui J, Wan H, Shi R, Huang C, Grace AA, Huang CL, Trump D, Zhang H, Zimmer T, Lei M. (2008): Correlations between clinical and physiological consequences of the novel mutation R878C in a highly conserved pore residue in the cardiac sodium channel. Acta Physiologica. 194:311-23.
85.  Shi R, Zhang Y, Yang C, Huang C, Zhou X, Qiang H, Grace AA, Huang CL, Ma A. (2008): The cardiac sodium channel mutation delQKP 1507-1509 is associated with the expanding phenotypic spectrum of LQT3, conduction disorder, dilated cardiomyopathy, and high incidence of youth sudden death. Europace. 10:1329-35
86.  Hothi SS, Booth SW, Sabir IN, Killeen MJ, Simpson F, Zhang Y, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2008): Arrhythmogenic substrate and its modification by nicorandil in a murine model of long QT type 3 syndrome. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 98:267-280
87.  Ghais N, Zhang Y, Mistry B, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2008): Anti-arrhythmic effects of cyclopiazonic acid in Langendorff-perfused murine hearts. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 98:281-288 88.  Hakim P, Gurung IS, Pedersen TH, Thresher R, Brice N, Lawrence J, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2008): Scn3b knockout mice exhibit abnormal ventricular electrophysiological properties. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 98:251-266
89.  Dautova Y, Zhang Y, Sabir I, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2009): Atrial arrhythmogenesis in wild- type and Scn5a+/Delta murine hearts modeling LQT3 syndrome. Pflugers Archiv 458:443-57
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91.  Turner I, Turner S, Grace AA. (2009): Timing of defibrillation shocks for resuscitation of rapid ventricular tachycardia. Does it make a difference? Resuscitation. 80:183-8.
92.  Zhang Y, Schwiening C, Killeen MJ, Zhang Y, Ma A, Lei M, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2009): Pharmacological alterations of cellular Ca homeostasis parallel initiation of atrial arrhythmogenesis in Langendorff perfused murine hearts. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. 36:969-80
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94.  Hothi SS, Thomas G, Killeen M, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2009): Empirical correlation of triggered activity and spatial and temporal re-entrant substrates with arrhythmogenicity in a murine model for Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome. Pflugers Archiv. 458:819-835
95.  Hoey ETD, Screaton NJ, Agrawal BSK, Daniels MJ, Grace AA, Gopalan D. (2009): Evaluation of left ventricular non-compaction using multi-detector computed tomography. British Journal of Cardiology. 16:199-200
96.  Hickson SS, Butlin M, Mir FA, Graggaber J, Cheriyan J, Khan F, Grace AA, Yasmin, Cockcroft JR, Wilkinson IB, McEniery CM; Anglo-Cardiff Collaboration Trial Investigators. (2009): The accuracy of central SBP determined from the second systolic peak of the peripheral pressure waveform. Journal of Hypertension. 27:1784-8.
97.  Scharf C, Dang L, Boersma L, Davies W, Kanagaratnam P, Peters NS, Paul V, Rowland E, Grace AA, Fynn SP, Oral H, Morady F. (2009): Ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation using multielectrode catheters and duty-cycled radiofrequency energy. Journal of American College of Cardiology. 54:1450-56
98.  Liu M, Sanyal S, Gao G, Gurung IS, Zhu X, Gaconnet G, Kerchner LJ, Shang LL, Huang CL, Grace AA, London B, Dudley SC. (2009): Cardiac Na+ Current Regulation by Pyridine Nucleotides: A Possible Explanation of Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase-Linked Brugada Syndrome. Circulation Research. 105:737-745
99.  Gurung IS, Kalin A, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2009): Activation of purinergic receptors by ATP induces ventricular tachycardia by membrane depolarization and modifications of Ca2+ homeostasis. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 47:622-633
100. Hakim P, Brice N, Thresher R, Lawrence J, Zhang Y, Jackson AP, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2010): Scn3ß knockout mice exhibit abnormal sinoatrial and cardiac conduction properties. Acta Physiologica. 198:47-59
101. Zhang Y, Fraser JA, Schwiening C, Zhang Y, Killeen M, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2010): Acute atrial arrhythmogenesis in murine hearts following enhanced extracellular Ca2+ entry depends on intracellular Ca2+ stores. Acta Physiologica.198:143-58
102. Bardy GH, Smith WM, Hood MA, Crozier IG, Melton IC, Jordaens L, Theuns D, Park RE, Wright DJ, Connelly DT, Fynn SP, Murgatroyd FD, Sperzel J, Neuzner J, Spitzer SG, Ardashev AV, Oduro A, Boersma L, Maas AH, Van Gelder IC, Wilde AA, van Dessel PF, Knops RE, Lupo P, Cappato R, Grace AA. (2010): The Subcutaneous only Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator. New England Journal of Medicine. 363:36-44
103. Leoni A, Gavillet B, Rougier J-S, Marionneau C, Probst V, Bezzina C, Solena Le Scouarnec S-L, Schott J-J, Demolombe S, Bruneval P, Huang CL, Grace AA, Marec H, Wilde AAM, Mohler PJ, Abriel H, Escande D, Charpentier F. (2010): Variable Nav1.5 protein expression from the wild-type allele correlates with the penetrance of cardiac conduction disease in the Scn5a+/- mouse model. PLoS ONE 5(2):e9298 104. Hakim P, Thresher R, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2010): Effects of flecainide and quinidine on action potential and ventricular arrhythmogenic properties in Scn3ß knockout mice. Clinical Experimental Pharmacology Physiology. 37(8):782-9
105. Jeevaratnam K, Zhang Y, Guzadhur L, Duehmke R, Lei M, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2010): Differences in sinoatrial and atrio-ventricular function with age and sex attributable to the Scn5a+/- mutation in a murine cardiac model. Acta Physiologica. 200: 23-33
106. Martin CA, Zhang Y, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2010): Increased Right Ventricular Repolarization Gradients Promote Arrhythmogenesis in a Murine Model of Brugada Syndrome. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. 21:1153–1159
107. Matthews GD, Martin CA, Grace AA, Zhang Y, Huang CL. (2010): Regional variations in action potential alternans in isolated murine Scn5a hearts during dynamic pacing. Acta Physiologica. 200:129-146
108. Martin CA, Zhang Y, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2010): In vivo studies of Scn5a+/- mice modeling Brugada syndrome demonstrate both conduction and repolarization abnormalities. Journal Electrocardiology. 43:433-9
109. Dautova Y, Zhang Y, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2010): Atrial arrhythmogenic properties in wild- type and Scn5a+/- murine hearts. Experimental Physiology. 95:994-10
110. Guzadhur L, Pearcey SM, Duehmke RM, Jeevaratnam K, Hohmann AF, Zhang Y, Grace AA, Lei M, Huang CL. (2010): Atrial arrhythmogenicity in aged Scn5a+/DeltaKPQ mice modeling long QT type 3 syndrome and its relationship to Na+ channel expression and cardiac conduction. Pflugers Archiv 460:593-601.
111. Bardy GH, Smith WM, Grace AA (2010): The Subcutaneous only Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator. New England Journal of Medicine. 363:1577-8
112. Sabir, IN, Ma N, Jones VJ, Goddard CA, Zhang Y, Kalin A, Grace AA, Huang CL (2010): Alternans in genetically modified Langendorff-perfused murine hearts modeling catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. Frontiers in Physiology. Volume 1, Article 126, 1-10.
113. Martin CA, Grace AA, Huang CL (2011): Spatial and temporal heterogeneities are localized to the right ventricular outflow tract in a heterozygotic Scn5a mouse model. American Journal of Physiology (Heart and Circulatory Physiology). 300:H605-16
114. Jeevaratnam K, Poh Tee S, Zhang Y, Rewbury R, Guzadhur L, Duehmke R, Grace AA, Lei M, Huang CL (2011): Delayed conduction and its implications in murine Scn5a hearts: independent and interacting effects of genotype, age, and sex. Pflugers Arch. 461:29-44
115. Martin C, Guzadhur L, Grace AA, Lei M, Huang CL (2011). Mapping of reentrant spontaneous polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in a Scn5a+/- mouse model. American Journal of Physiology (Heart and Circulatory Physiology). 300:H1853-62
116. Zhang Y, Fraser JA, Jeevaratnam K, Hao X, Hothi S, Grace AA, Lei M, Huang CL. (2011): Acute atrial arrhythmogenicity and altered Ca2+ homeostasis in murine RyR2-P2328S hearts. Cardiovascular Research. 89:794-804
117. Soon E, Toshner MR, Mela M, Grace AA, Sheares KK, Morrell NW, Pepke-Zaba J (2011). Risk of potentially life-threatening thyroid dysfunction due to amiodarone in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension patients. Journal of American College of Cardiology. 57:997- 998
118. Hao X, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Nirmalan M, Davies L, Konstantinou D, Yin F, Dobrzynski H, Wang X, Grace A, Zhang H, Boyett M, Huang CL, Lei M. (2011): TGF-ß1 Mediated Fibrosis and Ion Channel Remodeling Are Key Mechanisms Producing the Sinus Node Dysfunction Associated with SCN5A Deficiency and Aging. Circulation (Arrhythmia Electrophysiology). 4:397-406
119. Gurung IS, Medina-Gomez G, Kis A, Baker M, Velagapudi V, Neogi SG, Campbell M, Rodriguez-Cuenca S, Lelliott C, McFarlane I, Oresic M, Grace AA, Vidal-Puig A, Huang CL. (2011): Deletion of the metabolic transcriptional coactivator PGC1{beta} induces cardiac arrhythmia. Cardiovascular Research. 92:29-38.
120. Musumeci M, Maccari S, Sestili P, Signore M, Molinari P, Ambrosio C, Stati T, Colledge WH, Grace AA, Catalano L, Marano G. (2011): Propranolol enhances cell cycle-related gene expression in pressure overloaded hearts. British Journal of Pharmacology. 164:1917-28
121. Martin CA, Grace AA, Huang CL (2011): Refractory dispersion promotes conduction disturbance and arrhythmias in a Scn5a+/- mouse model. Pflugers Arch. 462:495-504
122. Zumhagen S, Grace AA, O´Connor S, Eckardt L, Schulze-Bahr E (2012): Totally subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator with an alternative, right parasternal, electrode placement. Pacing Clinical Electrophysiology. 35:e254-7.
123. Tse G, Hothi SS, Grace AA, Huang CL (2012). Ventricular arrhythmogenesis following slowed conduction in heptanol-treated, Langendorff-perfused mouse hearts. Journal of Physiological Science. 62:79-92
124. Matthews GD, Guzadhur L, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2012): Nonlinearity between action potential alternans and restitution which both predict ventricular arrhythmic properties in Scn5a+/- and wild-type murine hearts. Journal of Applied Physiology. 112:1847-63.
125. Duehmke RM, Pearcey S, Stefaniak JD, Guzadhur L, Jeevaratnam K, Costopoulos C, Pedersen TH, Grace AA, Huang CL (2012): Altered re-excitation thresholds and conduction of extrasystolic action potentials contribute to arrhythmogenicity in murine models of long QT syndrome. Acta Physiologica. 206:164-77
126. Guzadhur L, Jiang W, Pearcey SM, Jeevaratnam K, Duehmke RM, Grace AA, Lei M, Huang CL. (2012): The Age-dependence of atrial arrhythmogenicity in Scn5a+/- murine hearts reflects alterations in action potential propagation and recovery. Clinical Experimental Pharmacology Physiology. 39:518-27 127. Looi KL, Grace AA, Agarwal S. (2012): Coronary artery spasm and ventricular arrhythmias. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 88:465-71
128. Cappato R, Smith WM, Hood MA, Crozier IG, Jordaens L, Spitzer SG, Ardashev AV, Boersma L, Lupo P, Grace AA, Bardy GH. (2012): Subcutaneous chronic implantable defibrillation systems in humans. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology. 34:325-32.
129. Wu J, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Cheng L, Lammers WJ, Grace AA, Fraser JA, Zhang H, Huang CL, Lei M. (2012): Altered sinoatrial node function and intra-atrial conduction in murine gain-of- function Scn5a+/ΔKPQ hearts suggest an overlap syndrome. American Journal of Physiology (Heart and Circulatory Physiology). 302:H1510-23.
130. Schilling R, Camm J, Lip G, Grace AA, Fay M, Fitzpatrick A, Wolff, A, Lobban T. (2012): Seek referral to a heart rhythm specialist for atrial fibrillation. British Medical Journal 344:e4318
131. Martin CA, Siedlecka U, Kemmerich K, Lawrence J, Cartledge J, Guzadhur L, Brice N, Grace AA, Schwiening C, Terracciano CM, Huang CL. (2012): Reduced Na+ and higher K+ channel expression and function contribute to right ventricular origin of arrhythmias in Scn5a+/- mice. Open Biol. 2:120072.
132. Jeevaratnam K, Rewbury R, Zhang Y, Guzadhur L, Grace AA, Lei M, Huang CL. (2012): Frequency distribution analysis of activation times and regional fibrosis in murine Scn5a+/- hearts: The effects of ageing and sex. Mechanisms Ageing Development.
133. Limberg M, Zumhagen S, Netter MF, Coffey A, Grace AA, Rogers J, Böckelmann D, Stallmeyer B, Decher N, Schulze-Bahr E (2013): Non dominant-negative Kir2.1 mutations leading to a novel subform of Andersen Syndrome. Basic Research in Cardiology. 108:353
134. Zhang Y, Wu J, Jeevaratnam K, King JH, Guzadhur L, Ren X, Grace AA, Lei M, Huang CL, Fraser JA. (2013) Conduction Slowing Contributes to Spontaneous Ventricular Arrhythmias in Intrinsically Active Murine RyR2-P2328S Hearts. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. 24:210-8.
135. Looi KL, Lee AS, Cole K, Agarwal S, Heck PM, Begley DA, Grace AA, Virdee M, Fynn SP (2013). Conscious sedation and analgesia use in cardiac device implantation. International Journal of Cardiology. 168:561-3.
136. King JH, Zhang Y, Lei M, Grace AA, Huang CL, Fraser JA. (2013): Atrial arrhythmia, triggering events and conduction abnormalities in isolated murine RyR2-P2328S hearts. Acta Physiologica. 207:308-323 137. King JH, Wickramarachchi C, Kua K, Du Y, Jeevaratnam K, Matthews HR, Grace AA, Huang CL, Fraser JA (2013): Loss of Nav1.5 expression and function in murine atria containing the RyR2-P2328S gain-of-function mutation. Cardiovascular Research. 99:751-9.
138. Matthews GD, Guzadhur L, Sabir IN, Grace AA, Huang CL (2013): Action potential wavelength restitution predicts alternans and arrhythmia in murine Scn5a+/- hearts. Journal of Physiology 591:4167-88
139. Looi KL, Gajendragadkar PR, Khan FZ, Elsik M, Begley DA, Fynn SP, Grace AA, Heck PM, Virdee M, Agarwal S. (2014): Cardiac resynchronisation therapy: pacemaker versus internal cardioverter-defibrillator in patients with impaired left ventricular function. Heart. May;100(10):794-9
140. Goonewardene M, Barra S, Heck P, Begley D, Fynn S, Virdee M, Grace AA, Agarwal S. (2015): Cardioverter-defibrillator implantation and generator replacement in the octogenarian. Europace. 17:409-16.
141. Wemhöner K, Friedrich C, Stallmeyer B, Coffey A, Grace AA, Zumhagen S, Seebohm G, Ortiz-Bonnin B, Rinné S, Sachse FB, Schulze-Bahr E, Decher N. (2015): Gain-of-function mutations in the calcium channel gene CACNA1C (Cav1.2) cause non-syndromic long-QT syndrome (LQT8) without features of Timothy syndrome. J. Mol Cell Cardiol. 80:186-95.
142. Jeevaratnam K, Guzadhur L, Goh YM, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2016): Sodium channel haploinsufficiency and structural change in ventricular arrhythmogenesis. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 216:186-202.
143. Knops RE, Brouwer TF, Barr CS, Theuns DA, Boersma L, Weiss R, Neuzil P, Scholten M, Lambiase PD, Leon AR, Hood M, Jones PW, Wold N, Grace AA, Olde Nordkamp LR, Burke MC; IDE and EFFORTLESS investigators. (2016): The learning curve associated with the introduction of the subcutaneous implantable defibrillator. Europace. 18:1010-1015
144. Barra S, Goonewardene M, Heck P, Begley D, Virdee M, Fynn S, Grace AA, Agarwal S. (2016). Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator elective generator replacement: a procedure for all? J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 45:209-18.
145. Jeevaratnam K, Guzadhur L, Goh YM, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2016): Depolarization vs. repolarization: what is the mechanism of ventricular arrhythmogenesis underlying sodium channel haploinsufficiency in mouse hearts? Acta Physiol (Oxf). 218:236-238.
146. Li M, Hothi SS, Salvage SC, Jeevaratnam K, Grace AA, Huang CL. (2017): Arrhythmic effects of Epac-mediated ryanodine receptor activation in Langendorff-perfused murine hearts are associated with reduced conduction velocity. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 44:686-692.
147. Derangeon M, Montnach J, Cerpa CO, Jagu B, Patin J, Toumaniantz G, Girardeau A, Huang CL, Colledge WH, Grace AA, Baró I, Charpentier F. (2017): Transforming growth factor β receptor inhibition prevents ventricular fibrosis in a mouse model of progressive cardiac conduction disease Cardiovasc Res.113:464-474.
148. Ahmad S, Valli H, Edling CE, Grace AA, Jeevaratnam K, Huang CL. (2017): Effects of ageing on pro-arrhythmic ventricular phenotypes in incrementally paced murine Pgc-1β -/- hearts. Pflugers Arch. 469:1579-1590.
149. Chadda KR, Ahmad S, Valli H, den Uijl I, Al-Hadithi AB, Salvage SC, Grace AA, Huang CL, Jeevaratnam K. (2017): The effects of ageing and adrenergic challenge on electrocardiographic phenotypes in a murine model of long QT syndrome type 3. Sci Rep. 7(1):11070.
150. Valli H, Ahmad S, Chadda KR, Al-Hadithi AB, Grace AA, Jeevaratnam K, Huang CL. (2017): Age-dependent atrial arrhythmic phenotype secondary to mitochondrial dysfunction in Pgc-1β deficient murine hearts. Mech Ageing Dev. 167:30-45.
151. Ahmad S, Valli H, Salvage SC, Grace AA, Jeevaratnam K, Huang CL. (2017): Age-dependent electrocardiographic changes in Pgc-1β deficient murine hearts. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 45:174-186. 152. Grace AA, Verma A, Willems S. (2017): Dipole Density Mapping of Atrial Fibrillation; An Electrofunctional Procedure breaks down the complexity. European Heart Journal. 38: 5-9
153. Barra S, Duehmke R, Providencia R, Marijon E, Boveda S, Virdee M, Heck P, Fynn S, Begley D, Grace AA, Agarwal S (2018): Patients upgraded to cardiac resynchronization therapy due to pacing-induced cardiomyopathy are at low risk of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias: a long-term cause-of-death analysis. Europace 20:89-96
154. Martin CA, Curtain JP, Gajendragadkar PR, Begley DA, Fynn SP, Grace AA, Heck PM, Salaunkey K, Virdee MS, Agarwal S. (2018). Improved outcome and cost effectiveness in ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation under general anaesthetic. Europace. 20:935-942.
155. Barra S, Providência R, Duehmke R, Boveda S, Begley D, Grace AA, Narayanan K, Tang A, Marijon E, Agarwal S. (2018): Cause-of-death analysis in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy with or without a defibrillator: a systematic review and proportional meta-analysis. Europace. 20:481-491.
156. Valli H, Ahmad S, Sriharan S, Dean LD, Grace AA, Jeevaratnam K, Matthews HR, Huang CL. (2018): Epac-induced ryanodine receptor type 2 activation inhibits sodium currents in atrial and ventricular murine cardiomyocytes. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 45:278-292
157. Ha FJ, Barra S, Brown AJ, Begley DB, Grace AA, Agarwal S. (2018): Continuous and minimally-interrupted direct oral anticoagulant are both safe compared with vitamin K antagonist for atrial fibrillation ablation: An updated meta-analysis. Int J Cardiol. pii: S0167- 5273(18)31037-4
158. Barra S, Baran J, Narayanan K, Boveda S, Fynn S, Heck P, Grace AA, Agarwal S, Primo J, Marijon E, Providência R. Association of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation with mortality and stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Cardiol. 2018 Sep 1;266:136-142. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2018.03.068.
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160. Dorn T, Haas J, Parrotta EI, Zawada D, Ayetey H, Santamaria G, Lop L, Mastantuono E, Sinnecker D, Goedel A, Dirschinger RJ, My I, Laue S, Bozoglu T, Baarlink C, Ziegler T, Graf E, Hinkel R, Cuda G, Kaab S, Grace AA, Grosse R, Kupatt C, Meitinger T, Smith AG, Laugwitz K-L, Moretti A. (2018) Interplay of cell-cell contacts and RhoA/MRTF-A signaling regulates cardiomyocytic identity. EMBO Journal. un 15;37(12). pii: e98133. doi: 10.15252/embj.201798133.
161. Bhar-Amato J, Finlay M, Santos D, Orini M, Chaubey S, Vyas V, Taggart P, Grace AA, Huang CL, Ben Simon R, Tinker A, Lambiase PD (2018). Pharmacological Modulation of Right Ventricular Endocardial-Epicardial Gradients in Brugada Syndrome. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. Sep;11(9):e006330. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.118.006330.
162. Finlay M. Bhar-Amato J, Santos D, Orini M, Vyas V, Taggart P, Grace AA, Huang CL, Lambiase PD, Tinker A (2019). Autonomic modulation of the electrical substrate in mice haplo- insufficient for the cardiac sodium channels: a model of Brugada syndrome Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 317:C576-583
163. Edling CE, Fazmin IT, Chadda KR, Ahmad S, Valli H, Grace AA, Huang CL, Jeevaratnam K. Ageing in Pgc-1β-/- mice modelling mitochondrial dysfunction induces differential expression of a range of genes regulating ventricular electrophysiology. Biosci Rep. 2019 Mar 26. pii: BSR20190127. doi: 10.1042/BSR20190127.
164. Grace AA, Willems S, Meyer C, Verma A, Heck P, Dang L, Scharf G, Scharf C, Beatty G (2019). High Resolution Non-Contact Dipole Density Source Mapping of Endocardial Activation. JCI Insight 4 (6): e126422.
165. Willems S, Verma A, Betts T, Murray S, Neuzil P, Ince H, Stevens D, Sultan A, Heck P, Hall M, Tondo C, Pison L, Wong T, Boersma L, Wong T, Meyer C, Grace AA. (2019). Targeting Non-Pulmonary Vein Sources in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Identified by Non-Contact Dipole Density Mapping: The UNCOVER AF trial. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. Jul;12(7):e007233. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.119.007233. Epub 2019 Jun 27. Reviews/Editorials/Letters
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199. Grace AA. (2017): Effective Patient Care in a Data-Driven World. Arrhythm Electrophysiol Rev. 6:105-106.
200. Grace AA, Matthews GDK (2018): Phenotypic landscape and risk management in Long QT Syndrome. Nudging forward. J Am Coll Cardiol. 71:1672-5
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203. Matthews GDK, Grace AA (2020): Unmasking Adenosine: Purinergic Signalling Molecule Critical to Arrhythmia Pathophysiology and Management. Arrhythm Electrophysiol Rev 8:240- 248.
204. Grace AA, Calkins H, Ellenbogen K, Lambiase PD, Lip GY, Narayan SM, Katritsis DG (2020). What Cannot Be Missed: Important Publications on Electrophysiology in 2019. Arrhythm Electrophysiol Rev. 2020 Jun 3;9(1):4. doi: 10.15420/aer.2020.06.
205. Ara F, Mellor G, Grace AA (2021). Sudden death prevention post-myocardial infarction and after VEST. Trends Cardiovasc Med. 31:202-203
206. Reddy SA, Calvert PA, D'Errico L, Williams L, Grace AA. 28 days later: a traumatic pacing indication and the role of cardiac imaging as the pathologist. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021 May 10;22(6):e75. doi: 10.1093/ehjci/jeaa283.
207. Narayan SM, Calkins H, Grace AA, Ellenbogen K, Lambiase PD, Lip GY, Katritsis DG (2021). What Cannot Be Missed: Important Publications on Electrophysiology in 2020. Arrhythm Electrophysiol Rev.10:5-6.
208. Reddy SA, Nethercott SL, Khialani BV, Grace AA, Martin CA. (2021) Management of arrhythmias in pulmonary hypertension. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. doi: 10.1007/s10840-021- 00988-y.
209. Grace AA, Mellor GJ, Williams LK (2021). A Validated Model for Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Prediction in Pediatric Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (response). Circulation. 143:e786-787
210. Barra S, Primo J, Gonçalves H, Boveda S, Providência R, Grace A. Is amiodarone still a reasonable therapeutic option for rhythm control in atrial fibrillation? Rev Port Cardiol. 2022 Sep;41(9):783-789. doi: 10.1016/j.repc.2021.03.019
211. Zaman JA, Grace AA, Narayan SM. Future Directions for Mapping Atrial Fibrillation. Arrhythm Electrophysiol Rev. 2022 Apr;11:e08. doi: 10.15420/aer.2021.52.
212. Narayan SM, Calkins H, Grace A, Lip GY, Ellenbogen K, Lambiase PD, Katritsis DG. What Cannot Be Missed: Important Publications on Electrophysiology in 2021. Arrhythm Electrophysiol Rev. 2022 Apr;11:e01. doi: 10.15420/aer.2022.04. Books/Book chapters:
213. Grace AA, Schofield PM, Petch MC. (1991): Key Facts in Cardiology. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh
214. Grace AA, Hall JA, Schofield PM. (1993): Cardiology. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
215. Grace AA, Rowland E. (1996): 24 hour ambulatory monitoring and event recording In: Diseases of the Heart; (edited by Julian D.G., Camm A.J., Fox K.M., Hall R.J.C., Poole-Wilson P.A.) pp. 186-207 W. B. Saunders, London.
216. Chien KR, Grace AA. (1997): Principles of cardiovascular molecular and cellular biology. In: Braunwald's Heart Disease 5th Edition; (edited by E. Braunwald) pp. 1626-1649 W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
217. Lowe MD, Schofield PM, Grace AA. (1997): Cardiology 2nd Edition. Churchill, Edinburgh.
218. Chien KR, Grace AA, Hunter JJ. (1999): Molecular biology of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. In: Molecular Basis of Heart Disease pp. 211-250; edited by Chien KR, Breslow JL, Leiden JM, Rosenberg RD, Seidman CE. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
219. Chien KR, Grace AA. (1999): Glossary of Molecular Genetics. In: Molecular Basis of Heart Disease pp. 591-614; edited by Chien KR, Breslow JL, Leiden JM, Rosenberg RD, Seidman CE. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia
220. Grace AA, Saumarez RC, Vandenberg JI. (1999): Assessment of Animal models of Cardiac Arrhythmias. In: Doevendans P, van Bilsen M, Remme WJ. Cardiovascular Specific Gene Expression. Kluwer
221. Sayeed RA, Grace AA. (2000): Arrhythmias associated with acute myocardial infarction. Pp. 193-211 In: Management of acute coronary syndromes. Editor: Schofield PM, Marcel Dekker, London
222. Grace AA. Molecular genetics of the long-QT syndromes (2002): In Genetics of Cardiovascular Disorders. Eds. Januszewicz, W, Ruzyllo W, Januszewicz A, and Cicchanowicz.
223. Sayeed RA, Grace AA. (2002): Broad-complex tachycardias after coronary bypass surgery. In: Problems in Anesthesia: Cardiothoracic Surgery pp. 195-203. Editors: Arrowsmith JE and Simpson J. Martin Dunitz Academic Publishers.
224. Grace AA. (2003): Heart Muscle Disease and antipsychotic therapy. In Cardiovascular Risk in Schizophrenia: QT prolongation from antipsychotic drugs in perspective. Galliard Healthcare Communications. Pp. 69-79. Ed. A J Camm.
225. Grace AA, O'Shaughnessy K (2003): Cardiac arrhythmia and cardiac failure. In Clinical Pharmacology. Ninth Edition. Eds. Bennett PN and Brown MJ. Churchill Livingstone. Edinburgh. Pp. 497-519
226. Thomas G, Schofield PM, Grace AA. (2004): Cardiology in Focus, Elsevier Inc.
227. Wheeler D, Grace AA. (2004): Cardiac electrophysiology. Pp. 9-13. In Core Topics in Cardiac Anesthesia. Greenwich Medical Media. Editors: McKay J and Arrowsmith J.
228. Grace AA. (2008): Cardiac Arrhythmia and Cardiac Failure. In Clinical Pharmacology. Tenth Edition. Eds. Bennett PN and Brown MJ. Churchill Livingstone. Edinburgh.
229. Grace AA, Lee CW (2010): Use of Dronedarone in non-permanent Atrial Fibrillation. MIMS Pocket Guide.
230. Smith WM, Bardy G, Hood M, Grace AA (2012): The Subcutaneous ICD. In Clinical Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization Therapy 4th Edition by Kenneth A. Ellenbogen pp. 428-433
231. Grace AA. (2012): Cardiac Arrhythmia and Cardiac Failure. Pp. 428-443. In Clinical Pharmacology. Eleventh Edition. Eds. Bennett PN, Brown MJ, Sharma P. Churchill Livingstone. Edinburgh.
232. Grace AA, Narayan SM O’Neill MD (2013). Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Failure. Heart Failure Clinics. 9:v
233. Grace AA, Narayan SM. Common Threads in Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Failure (2013). Heart Failure Clinics. 9:373-83
234. Grace AA, Bardy G. (2017). Chapter 118: The Subcutaneous Defibrillator. pp. 1130-1138. In Zipes and Jalife. Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside. 7th Edition.
235. Grace AA. (2018). Cardiac Arrhythmia. In Clinical Pharmacology. Twelfth Edition. Eds. Brown MJ, Sharma P, Mir F, Bennett PN. Churchill Livingstone. Edinburgh.
236. Grace AA, Mellor G. (2022). Chapter 123: The Subcutaneous Defibrillator. pp. In Zipes and Jalife. Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside. 8th Edition. Practice Guidelines
237. Garratt CJ, Elliott PM, Behr E, Blair E, Connelly DL, Davidson N, Grace AA, Griffith MJ, Jolly A, Lambiase P, McKenna WJ. (2008): Clinical indications for Genetic Testing in Familial Sudden Cardiac Death Syndromes: Heart Rhythm UK Position Statement. Heart. 94:502-507
238. Padeletti L, Arnar DO, Boncinelli L, Brachman J, Camm AJ, Daubert JC, Kassam S, Deliens L, Glikson M, Hayes D, Israel C, Lampert R, Lobban T, Raatikainen P, Siegal G, Vardas P, Kirchhof P, Becker R, Cosio F, Loh P, Cobbe S, Grace AA, Morgan J. (2010): European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) Expert Consensus Statement on the management of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices in patients nearing end of life or requesting withdrawal of therapy. Europace. 12:1480-9.
239. Garratt CJ, Elliott P, Behr E, Camm AJ, Cowan C, Cruickshank S, Grace AA, Griffith MJ, Jolly A, Lambiase P, McKeown P, O'Callagan P, Stuart G, Watkins H. (2010): Heart Rhythm UK position statement on clinical indications for implantable cardioverter defibrillators in adult patients with familial sudden cardiac death syndrome. Europace. 12:1156-75.
240. Behr ER, January C, Schulze-Bahr E, Grace AA, Kääb S, Fiszman M, Gathers S, Buckman S, Youssef A, Pirmohamed M, Roden D. (2013): The International Serious Adverse Events Consortium (iSAEC) phenotype standardization project for drug-induced torsades de pointes. European Heart Journal. 34:1958-63
241. Brugada J, Katritsis DG, Arbelo E, Arribas F, Bax JJ, Blomström-Lundqvist C, Calkins H, Corrado D, Deftereos SG, Diller GP, Gomez-Doblas JJ, Gorenek B, Grace AA, Ho SY, Kaski JC, Kuck KH, Lambiase PD, Sacher F, Sarquella-Brugada G, Suwalski P, Zaza A. (2020): Guidelines for the management of patients with supraventricular tachycardia. The Task Force for the management of patients with supraventricular tachycardia of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J. 41:655-720.
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